Monday, September 13, 2010

Bonus Belgium Pics

I said goodbye to Craig on Sunday afternoon and caught a train south to Brussels. I only had a few hours to check it out, but saw some good sights. I had beers at the Delerium Cafe; highly recommend this place! They had over a hundred Belgian Beers on tap and over 2000 if you count the bottles. The alcohol percentages ranged from 7 to wasted :) Overall Brussels was very similar to Antwerpen just more of everything. More people, cars, trash.... I was up for a change and was missing the mountains. So I hopped a train early this morning and I just checked into a hostel in Interlaken, Switzerland. All I can say is wow!!!! Pictures coming soon! Here are some good ones from Brussels of the Grote Markt or "Grand Place":


  1. Can you name 5 famous belgians now?

  2. did you rub the lucky bronze statue in the square area? I rubbed it in 2000, still not lucky - um, yes, look out for the Belgian beer, def snuck up on me
